Mileage and motion…..

This week, I started to actually add up the miles I’ve been walking. Why would I do this? Because it’s exciting & motivating to me, especially on the days when my feet and legs HURT.

The spasms are continuing. I’ve woken up mid-spasm a few times this week and have had try to work myself out of them. This is easier said than done.

In the course of my medical life, I’ve been immobile, I’ve been semi-mobile, and mobile without assistance. In all of those stages of my life, motion of some kind has kept me sane. I am not a person who can stay still for long periods of time. Now, for my husband and our gal, you know that it is sometimes V E R Y hard to wake me up and sometimes harder to get me motivated to get out. Once I’m going though, I am GOING.

So, back to mileage. So far – since May 1st – I’ve walked a startling 178.1 miles. I still can’t believe it. But when I think about the amount of walking I do every single day, it starts to make more sense. I’m extremely proud of that. I still need to calculate my numbers since the start of the year, but I am so excited. Despite the pain, here I am. Every day is a victory. And I feel extremely grateful for each one.

Despite your pain, here YOU are! Even if walking is impossible or just something you don’t enjoy, try to MOVE. Move your arms, flex your toes if you can, sit up straighter, roll your shoulders, stretch your arms above your head. Just move whatever you can even for a few seconds. It’s good for your body overall, it’s good for your circulation. It’s just plain good.

What’s the bottom line this week? I want you to feel motivated to move however/wherever/whenever you can. Stretch/walk/dance/roll as much as possible. I stretch, sing, and dance – or should I say “dance” 😂 – in my kitchen when I make meals or clean up. I walk every day, even the bad ones. Do the best you can however you can.

That is my wish for you this week.

Here’s to having the energy to move, even just a bit. Here’s to the low pain days, may there be many of them. And here’s to all of you.

And a special note for all of the dads, grandpas, uncles, godfathers, mentors, teachers, friends, and father figures out there – happy Father’s Day to all. You are an incredible group of people. Never forget it.

Peace and painlessness,

Beck ❤️

#thisiswhatsicklookslike #strokesurvivor #rsd #crps #arachnoiditis #autoimmune #migraine #sacroiliacjoint #facetjoint #backpain #medicalmarijuana #carpaltunnelsyndrome #cubitaltunnelsyndrome #patientadvocacy #painintheBECK #phantosmia #dextroscoliosis #thoracickyphosis#lumbarlordosis #meralgiaparesthetica #herestohope #gratefulalways

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